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A chilling thriller that could happen today. A genetically engineered biological weapon is released in a California prison. The Death Row Complex (The Katrina Stone Novels Book 2) by Kristen Elise Ph.D.

Fans of Robin Cook and Michael Crichton will love the science; fans of a strong, smart female lead will love biologist Katrina Stone! Get The Death Row Complex (The Katrina Stone Novels Book 2) by Kristen Elise Ph.D. at the sale price of .99 cents!

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The Death Row Complex (The Katrina Stone Novels Book 2)

by Kristen Elise Ph.D.

The Death Row Complex (The Katrina Stone Novels Book 2)
4.9 stars – 19 Reviews
Or currently FREE for Amazon Prime Members Via the Kindle Lending Library
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled

Here’s the set-up:

An anonymous warning is sent to the White House, and a genetically engineered biological weapon is released in a California prison. The unpublished data of biologist Katrina Stone may hold the key to harnessing the lethal bacterium–and to its creation within the desperate world from which biotechnology is born…

A fast-paced science and medical thriller, The Death Row Complex introduces a fictitious but all-too-plausible strain of anthrax and the desperate society of bioengineers that created it. Prequel to best-selling historical thriller The Vesuvius Isotope, The Death Row Complex can be read as a stand-alone novel while also offering fans of The Vesuvius Isotope insight into the earlier life of biologist Katrina Stone.

In these earlier years, Stone is a struggling professor at San Diego State University. When a genetically engineered strain of anthrax with exceptional potency is released at San Quentin State Prison, Stone quickly becomes both the prime suspect in the terror attack and the FBI’s best hope for stopping an imminent national catastrophe.

Stone’s quest to avert disaster and save her own reputation is centered in San Diego, California–a city uniquely dense with both science and military that becomes a character in the novel in its own right. The bicoastal investigation into the terror attack leads readers between Washington DC and San Diego, and from the world’s most sophisticated laboratories into the seething brutality of San Quentin’s death row.


“This novel might make you rethink your ideas about medical research. Full of unexpected twists and turns, it will keep you reading…”

“An excellent medical thriller that kept me anxiously reading long into the night…”

“A fast-paced read with an endearing heroine… There is no better underdog than a hardworking scientist and mother who has her life work, ethics and dignity brought into question. Dr. Stone is a fighter and reminds us all to never give up…”

“It’s a possible plot line; it could happen…”

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