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Conquest: Budgeting and Becoming Debt-free on Low Income by Kyle Fuhrer

(Budgeting and Personal Finance Book) Conquest: Budgeting and Becoming Debt-free on Low Income

by Kyle Fuhrer

(Budgeting and Personal Finance Book) Conquest: Budgeting and Becoming Debt-free on Low Income
4.7 stars – 15 Reviews
Kindle Price: $2.99
Or currently FREE for Amazon Prime Members Via the Kindle Lending Library
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled

Here’s the set-up:

Debt feels crippling. Freedom can seem distant if not impossible to achieve, particularly when trying to do so on a low income. Conquest looks into how and why you get into debt as well as the reasons you stay stuck. This book explains the relationship between budgeting, repayment, self esteem, and how it is all synonymous. Conquest recognizes that everyone’s situation is different and how different methods and tools are needed to achieve financial freedom. Several effective debt repayment methods are discussed and explained so you can utilize each. Methods include; Debt Snow Ball, Debt Avalanche, Debt Tsunami, Recession Proof Debt Snowball, and Debt Snow Flaking. For individuals who already feel comfortable with budgeting and personal finances Conquest offers insight into growing your income while working towards debt freedom. Quit living in debt, stop robbing your future self, and begin your Conquest towards debt freedom and the life you want to live.

Visit Kyle Fuhrer’s BookGorilla author page

Amazon reviews:

“After sharing his personal journey (one of the aspects that makes Kyle so easy to like and thus read!) he sets up the process of debt riddance in the following chapters (and though these are only chapter headings they tell a lot about content: The chapter headings give a solid idea of where Kyle is taking us: Breaking Your Debt Addiction, Figure it out and Write it Down, The Minimum Myth, The Credit Card Myth, Debt Repayment Methods and Emergency Funds, The Debt Snowball: Debt Stacking Also Known as the Debt Avalanche: Debt Tsunami:The Recession Proof Debt Snowball: Debt Snow Flaking: Goal Setting and Budgeting, Budget example, Change you are Thinking, Do your Research and Surround yourself with the Right People, Become Indispensable, Debt Fatigue, What to do when you are starting to get ahead finally, and How to Stay Debt-free.”

“This short novella by Author, Kyle Fuhrer, offers valuable insights into becoming debt free on a low income salary…We are talking here about 8-10$ an hour jobs…..He covers some major points so you don’t feel that all that is left is bankruptcy…..Which is covered in chapter Debt Fatigue where you have just become so overwhelmed that you want to give up paying off your debt…….Basically, that is the way America is trending these days….If you follow these important points suggested in each chapter you may in a few years become debt free…

The introduction to this novella his where the author talks about his struggle with increasing debt upon graduating college and not be able to find a job in his profession……Which his debts quickly mounted everywhere….Just like a lot of college students now become disillusioned when they graduate and can’t find a job position for what they took out all their school loans…It’s a very common now…..”

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