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What’s the connection between the pyramids in Mexico and those in Egypt?
Atlantis Pyramids Floods: Why Europeans Are White by Dennis Brooks

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Last Call For History Book of The Month:

Atlantis Pyramids Floods: Why Europeans Are White

by Dennis Brooks
3.9 stars – 33 reviews
Everyday Price: $2.99
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Plato’s Atlantis is a true story! Now you can learn where it was located, how it was destroyed, and when it happened. This book also shows the connection between the pyramids in Mexico and those in Egypt. It shows that Noah’s Great Flood is a periodic event where the Atlantic Ocean floods the Mediterranean Basin. This periodic flooding kills off most of the brown skinned population in the area leaving mostly blacks in Africa and whites in Europe. Before the next major flood comes along, it takes only a few hundred years for all of Europe to turn white again and all of Africa to turn black again. Then it takes thousands of years before the population of the Mediterranean Basin turns brown again. The last flood is also the one that destroyed Atlantis. This book also shows how Edgar Cayce’s predicted, that the island of Atlantis would rise again, has come true. The island rose during the time Cayce predicted it would happen, but no one knew it was happening. Now it holds a prestigious gated community.
It is rare when you read a book that changes your mindset about events in history but this book certainly does that and I promise your eyes will open to how Atlantis was destroyed. I am so impressed with all the research that is provided in this book.5 star Amazon review
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