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When Silence and Sound Collide, Senses Explode! Get the unforgettably sweet & romantic Silent Song by Jaci Wheeler

❤️ Kindle Nation Daily Romance of the Day ❤️

Silent Song is an unforgettable tale of two vastly different people that will squeeze your heart then fill it with the incredible beauty of friendship, family, love and deep understanding.” -Ceej’s Life Reads

Silent Song

by Jaci Wheeler
4.8 stars – 37 reviews
FREE with Kindle UnlimitedLearn More
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

When Silence and Sound Collide, Senses Explode


I’m deaf. What most people view as a disadvantage, I see as an advantage. I feel my way through life in my 1969 Ford Fairlane. The vibrations and speed sustain me, the race track is where I dominate. I thought racing was all I needed to survive, but I was wrong.


Music is my life. I inhale the melody and breathe in the lyrics. That was until I met someone that opened my eyes to a new culture. Who knew silence was all it would take for me to really experience music?

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