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The fate of Earth is now in the hands of Freedom fighter Zara and her exact opposite, Peter. Get Maxime Trencavel’s multicultural science-fiction fantasy epic The Matriarch Matrix at a special price!

Linking three different people to an ancient past and the near-future fear of world war, The Matriarch Matrix provides a rich mix of science, sin and star-crossed romance…Hollywood Book Reviews

The Matriarch Matrix

by Maxime Trencavel
4.0 stars – 74 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
A supernatural mystery from the world’s oldest temple holds the key to stop the next world war. Freedom fighter Zara discovers a magical prophecy by an ancient matriarch in the Middle East. She must travel to the other side of the world to find love with her exact opposite, Peter. The limits of faith and emotion are tested across time as they understand more about their shared DNA, and discover an ages-old artifact. The fate of Earth is now in their hands in an all-encompassing narrative of conflict, salvation, and the struggles of womankind across the ages in this multicultural science-fiction fantasy epic.

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