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“The beauty in life is not hating, but .. respecting, where you come from no matter how ugly it is.”
He’s had a hard life but an innocent beauty will flip his life upside down in bestselling author HJ Bellus’ new release THAT WAS YESTERDAY

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That Was Yesterday

by HJ Bellus
5.0 stars – 3 reviews
FREE with Kindle UnlimitedLearn More
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

One call. That’s all it took to change everything. The sweet voice on the other end of the line delivered a blow I never saw coming. Fighting for our country’s freedom and staring death in the eye was nothing compared to this news.

History has one hell of a way of repeating itself. Kate Wilson’s voice didn’t waver once as she turned my worst nightmare into a reality, and her words weaved a cruel poetic justice.

I hadn’t been back home in over two years. Once I pulled into the one-horse town, I was greeted by the gorgeous blonde.

Kate extended her hand and offered me a warm smile. The connection was made. The innocent beauty has no idea that she just flipped my life upside down.

She’d unearthed secrets that can never be buried.

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