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A fast-paced romantic suspense novel that seems to echo today’s headlines: The ingenious plot is unique, and draws on mankind’s oldest story line…
Sister In Law by M. R. Morgan

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Sister in Law

by M. R. Morgan
4.1 stars – 17 reviews
Everyday Price: $3.99
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Sex and politics make a volatile combination in Sister-in-Law, a fast-paced romantic suspense novel that seems to echo today’s headlines. The ingenious plot is unique, yet it draws on mankind’s oldest story line.

A man’s sex drive is his terrible weakness. Or so Suzanne Dahlstrom learned the hard way. Sexually abused by men while growing up, Suzanne decides at an early age she will exact her revenge by exploiting that very weakness. She becomes a highly successful call girl, commanding thousands of dollars for services that were once taken from her by force.

Then one of Suzanne’s clients offers her a princely sum to seduce and marry the president’s younger brother. As the president’s sister-in-law, she’ll be in a perfect position to seduce the president himself, and when he is caught in bed with his own brother’s wife, he will be politically ruined. Suzanne accepts the challenge, and the bizarre plan begins well, until it suddenly goes terribly wrong, putting both Suzanne and the country in imminent peril.

If you’re a fan of J. D. Robb, Sandra Brown, or most any romantic suspense author, you’ll fall in love with Suzanne and find yourself unable to put her story down until the final, surprising twist.

“The story is fast-paced, the storyline unique, and the characters endearing. This is one you will want to read again and again, just to catch what you missed the time before. Very well done.” ~ Taylor Jones, Reviewer
“Sister-in-Law is well written, intense, fast-paced, and the plot has plenty of surprises. It will keep you turning pages from beginning to end.” ~ Regan Murphy, Reviewer

Sister in Law by [Morgan, M. R.]

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