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Will you buy the new Kindle with front-light and Audible?

Amazon announced last week that a new Kindle was going to come out in the first two weeks of April. This is the first entry level Kindle with a better e-paper display and an adjustable front-light to read in the dark. It is going to retail for around $89, which is a solid price. Will you purchase the new Kindle?

The entry level Kindle e-reader features a 6 inch E Ink Carta display with a resolution of 800×600 and 167 PPI. This is the first Kindle with a front-light display, which allows you to control the brightness using a slider bar. It has 4 LED lights that are on the bottom of the bezel and project light upwards, so it is not shining in your eyes.

Read full post here.

Pre-Order the brand new Kindle here!

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