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How well do you know the people you love? and How far would you go to protect them?
Fragile: A Novel (Jones Cooper Book 1) by Lisa Unger

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Fragile: A Novel (Jones Cooper Book 1) by [Unger, Lisa]Here’s a BookGorilla Encore from the bestselling author of BEAUTIFUL LIES and DIE FOR YOU!

Fragile: A Novel (Jones Cooper Book 1)

by Lisa Unger


Everybody knows everybody in The Hollows, a quaint, charming town outside of New York City. It’s a place where neighbors keep an eye on one another’s kids, where people say hello in the grocery store, and where high school cliques and antics are never quite forgotten. As a child, Maggie found living under the microscope…

Today’s Bargain Price: $2.99

Everyday Price: $7.99
Categories: All Mystery, Crime & Thrillers; Bestsellers
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