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This powerful memoir tells the story of addiction and recovery, and coming of age far later than most…
Daughter of Neptune: …found at sea by Theresa Wisner

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Daughter of Neptune: …found at sea

by Theresa Wisner
4.6 stars – 36 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Travel below decks with the author as she fishes the most perilous seas in the world in search of the love of her father. With courage and grit, she tells the story of addiction and recovery, and coming of age far later than most. Daughter of Neptune powerfully captures the beauty and the coarseness of a foreign world that creates the backdrop for healing.

“I finished the book in a few evenings. It is hard to put down. It is in part an adventure story, in part a family drama unfolding, all twisted together like a fishing net, waiting for the reader to untangle.” 5 star review

Daughter of Neptune: ...found at sea by [Wisner, Theresa]
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