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If you love a one-of-a-kind romance with swoon-worthy heroes and toe-curling kisses, you’ll love… Coming Home to Honey Grove by Anne-Marie Meyer

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Coming Home to Honey Grove (A Braxton Family Romance Book 1)

by Anne-Marie Meyer
4.3 stars – 158 reviews
Everyday Price: $4.99
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

A sweet romance that follows the first son of the Braxton family who’s come home to the small South Carolina town of Honey Grove.

“This is such a sweet book! Loved every bit Of it! Can’t wait for the rest of the series to come out!! So so good, don’t pass this up!” –Amazon Reviewer

Previously, Her Boss

Joshua is back in Honey Grove. As a divorced, single dad, he’s decided that love is the last thing he needs.

Beth is back in Honey Grove after losing her job and getting dumped.

When Josh’s mother, the town’s busy body, arranges for Beth to be his nanny, Josh decides to go along with the plan.

Even though Beth is no longer the lanky girl next door, Josh isn’t looking for a relationship anyway. He can keep her at a distance. Right?

Everything seems to be working out until their relationship deepens and their arrangement isn’t enough anymore.

Too bad her feelings for Josh isn’t Beth’s only secret.

If you love a one-of-a-kind romance with swoon-worthy heroes and toe-curling kisses, you’ll love Coming Home to Honey Grove.

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