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Giveaway Time! Enter to win in our weekly giveaways where you pick the prize! Brought to you by… Letter To My 10-year-old-Self: A Heartwarming Anthology

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Letter To My 10-year-old-Self: A Heartwarming Anthology

by Cathryn Mora, Ed.

5.0 stars – 1 reviews
Everyday Price: $9.99
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

“One day you will know that the world is a beautiful place to be and that you are so loved.”

A 10 year-old holds a letter to the light, trying to read the handwritten scrawl that looks so familiar. At the bottom of the lined page, finished with a confident flourish, is a similarly familiar signature. The realisation comes, with a shock – it’s a letter from the child’s future self. What does it say?

If you could write a letter to your childhood self, would it be a handbook of survival, a missive of near misses? Or a soul-lifting celebration of triumph over adversity?

In this heartwarming anthology, twenty-five extraordinary everyday people write to their 10-year-old selves, delivering wisdom, witticisms and warnings aimed to smooth the winding road into their future. Along with the lessons learned from the highs and lows of growing up, comes the reassurance of experience and the cumulative benefits of endurance, destined to pro
vide a guiding light to those looking for inspiration.

Growing up can be challenging, and there are so many obstacles we face. If you’re the type of person who is interested in self-improvement and invests time and effort into personal growth, you probably also want to find something which will provide motivation for your kids, as well as inspiration for your teens. This book is a brilliant tool, full of wisdom, and in addition to reading it for yourself, you can read it with (or to) your children. It does have warnings about what lies ahead, as well as precautions to take – in addition to the secrets and surprises which will come along during life’s journey – so that kids can take a balanced view of their future. Overall, we want you, and your children (if you have them) to have hope that there is a beautiful life ahead if they grab it with both hands, and pursue things bravely and wholeheartedly.

The book is truly written for those who are willing to learn from experiences of people who have opened new doors of reality about life. This book discusses concepts about teen and adult life and how the author would like to inspire their childhood self to prepare for them. Its a perfect treat for those who wanna learn about purpose of life , personal growth , self improvement , life challenges , transformation , spirit in life and passion in life. It is therefore written for adults, but we believe it’s also suitable for your children (mature 8+) and teens.

Go to Giveaway Central to enter and get the scoop on our weekly giveaways where you pick the prize!

And to say thank you here is a bonus entry word: letter

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