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Avon is enjoying a surprising uptick in sales thanks to the smash success of Netflix’s Bridgerton series

From Publishers Weekly: Netflix’s Hit Series ‘Bridgerton‘ Drives Book Sales… Support our news coverage by subscribing to our Kindle Nation Daily Digest. Joining is free right now! 

Netflix’s blockbuster show, Bridgerton, has led to renewed demand for the Regency-era novels by Julia Quinn that form the basis for the eight-episode program. Netflix released Bridgerton on December 25 and since that time, HarperCollins’s Avon imprint reports that it has sold a total of 750,000 copies of books from the series, including 285,000 copies last week.

The official tie-in to the show, The Duke and I, is available in mass market, trade paperback, and e-book editions. Although Avon did not break out sales by format, the digital edition of The Duke and I, as well as e-book editions of the other titles in the series, appear to be driving sales.

According to NPD BookScan, the trade paperback and mass market editions of The Duke and I sold a combined 50,000 copies at outlets that report to the service since their December release. The Duke and I will be #11 on PW’s mass market bestseller list next week, and #9 on the trade paperback list. The title, meanwhile, has been #1 on the New York Times combined print and e-book list for several weeks.

The Bridgerton books have also been riding high on the Apple e-book bestseller list, taking seven of the top 10 spots on its most recent list. As of this morning,, the series had nine titles among Amazon’s top 25 bestselling e-books.

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