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Funny, Silly, Wacky, Wild, and Completely Eww Worthy Scenarios… Would You Rather? Eww! Edition by Crazy Corey

Family eBook of The Day

Would You Rather? Eww! Edition

by Crazy Corey
4.6 stars – 13,112 reviews
Here’s the set-up:

160+ hilarious, creepy-crawly, ooey-gooey, and smelly questions for hours of screen-free fun! 

Would You Rather? EWW Edition includes 160+ questions to make kids and teens stop, think, and say “Ewwwww!” Whether it’s a conversation starter, ice-breaker, or party game, it provides hours of family-friendly fun—at home or on the road.

How do you play?

Take turns reading the EWW Would You Rather Questions aloud, then make your decision and in the goofiest way possible, explain why you chose that one. If your answer and explanation get a laugh, then mark down that laugh point. At the end of the game, the person with the most laugh points is crowned the Laugh Master! Enjoy this giggle-inspiring game—and the wonderful memories of quality time it provides. Have fun!

Today’s Kindle Deal is sponsored by this week’s Kids’ eBook of The Week:

Corie Universe Feeder

by Walter Eckland
4.3 stars – 13 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

What’s not to love about digging and mud?

Corie: tall, thin, scruffy, female, student, blondish, smart, creative, outspoken, trouble-finding, precocious (whatever THAT means), eager, mature, silly, immature, messy-roomed, imaginative, animal-loving girl ……

……. has actual PERMISSION FROM HER FATHER to dig a hole in the front yard of her house. As an added bonus she can use the water hose, wheelbarrow, shovel, spray paint, a sign and any and all neighborhood friends she wants. After this whole, hole digging event, lots of oddness ensues not just from the aforementioned father, but from her mother, a dog walker, the police chief, the newspaper guy and the scowling town librarian.

Does any good come of this at all? Well, sit down, grab a free cheese sandwich and find out. Oh! One other thing. If you ABSOLUTELY do not like reading, then read this book. It is a tad nutty, nonsensical and sometimes barely even seems like a book.

If you are a parent who has a child that appears to be un-fond of reading, well, then, bribe them to try this by telling them it’s about popcorn, pudding, and Popsicles.

And pickles.

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