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Is there such a thing as a true American? So Who’s More American? by Esmond “Mundo” Morfaw

So Who’s More American?

by Esmond “Mundo” Morfaw
Everyday Price: $19.95
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

America, the great land of freedom and hope. For centuries this country has offered men and women from around the world a chance to start over and make a new life for themselves. Generations later, their children and grandchildren call America home, but does that make them true Americans? Is there even such a thing as a true American?

Author Esmond “Mundo” Morfaw explores the longstanding question of what defines an American and who is in true ownership of this bountiful nation. As a man of Cameroonian descent who was born in Italy and now calls the United States home, Mundo has a unique perspective of what it means to acclimate to living in this country.

From the first Americans to the newest citizens, Mundo explores controversial issues in relation to racial and cultural themes that have affected all immigrants, including himself.

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