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Family book of the day! Throw Like a Girl: How to Dream Big and Believe in Yourself by Jennie Finch

Family Book of The Day

Throw Like a Girl: How to Dream Big and Believe in Yourself

by Jennie Finch
4.8 stars – 985 reviews
Supports Us with Commissions Earned
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Throw Like a Girl inspires, motivates, and answers questions on issues that are specific to being a female athlete. Finch’s book addresses the entire life of today’s girl-not just fitness or physical preparation, but how to integrate the lessons of sports into life.

Today’s Book of The Day is sponsored by this week’s Kids’ eBook of The Week:

Little Crocodile Finds A Dentist!

by Mila Braverman
4.6 stars – 14 reviews
Supports Us with Commissions Earned
FREE with Kindle UnlimitedLearn More
Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Anyone whose child ever dreaded a visit to the dentist will love to read this sweet and brightly illustrated bedtime storybook. A perfect gift by parents and grandparents, for holidays, birthdays, baby showers, and just because!
This heartwarming story of a baby crocodile with a toothache looking for help gently brings kids to a desire to find a dentist instead of being afraid of a visit to a dental office.
Your toddler will learn how elephants clean their teeth and why tigers don’t get cavities. They will discover which animals have to chew wood all the time and discover why some animals cannot chew anything!
This book takes children on a journey to learn a unique aspect and amazing facts of the animal kingdom. Kids will discover the diversity and varieties of teeth that animals possess and the unique ways that each animal takes care of them to avoid cavities and toothaches.

This book

* Encourages empathy and motivation to help others
* Is a great way to introduce kids to the dentist being a friendly, helpful figure
* Encourages strengthening support and brotherly love between siblings
* Teaches children to be polite and grateful for receiving help
* Creates a positive attitude
* Gently brings kids to understand and embrace the need to brush their teeth on a regular basis from a preventive stance rather than a fearful one

Join two little brother and sister crocodiles on their journey as they meet many kinds of diverse animals and discover exciting and amazing facts about the unique ways other animals take care of their teeth. Share Nyle’s enormous surprise when he learns something very exciting and unique to crocodiles in the entire animal kingdom!

A deeper thread of my message is that dental care is a natural part of life and not something to be feared.
My goal (aside from inspiring children’s curiosity and awareness about the animal world) is to help children broaden their knowledge about teeth, understand the need to brush their teeth daily, and lessen their fear of the dentist.

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