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Life is full of surprises in a novel about a girl dreaming big during one unexpected small-town summer… Tahira in Bloom: A Novel by Farah Heron

YA Book of The Day:

Tahira in Bloom: A Novel

by Farah Heron
4.2 stars – 718 reviews
Supports Us with Commissions Earned
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Life is full of surprises in a winning novel about a girl dreaming big during one unexpected small-town summer.

When seventeen-year-old aspiring designer Tahira Janmohammad’s coveted fashion internship falls through, her parents have a Plan B. Tahira will work in her aunt’s boutique in the small town of Bakewell, the flower capital of Ontario. It’s only for the summer, and she’ll get the experience she needs for her college application. Plus her best friend is coming along. It won’t be that bad.

But she just can’t deal with Rowan Johnston, the rude, totally obsessive garden-nerd next door with frayed cutoffs and terrible shoes. Not to mention his sharp jawline, smoldering eyes, and soft lips. So irritating. Rowan is also just the plant-boy Tahira needs to help win the Bakewell flower-arranging contest—an event that carries clout in New York City, of all places. And with designers, of all people. Connections that she needs!

No one is more surprised than Tahira to learn that floral design is almost as great as fashion design. And Rowan? Turns out he’s more than ironic shirts and soil under the fingernails. Tahira’s about to find out what she’s really made of—and made for. Because here in the middle of nowhere, Tahira is just beginning to bloom.

Today’s Book of The Day is sponsored by this week’s Kids’ eBook of The Week:

Snowman Paul and Kate’s Olympic Dream: An Empowering Tale about Perseverance and Big Dreams for Girls

by Yossi Lapid
4.9 stars – 16 reviews
Supports Us with Commissions Earned
FREE with Kindle UnlimitedLearn More
Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

An Empowering Tale for your Budding Olympian!

“… perfect to teach perseverance, resilience, and teamwork” Readers’ Favorite (5-star review)

Kate dreams of skating on the Olympic stage, and Snowman Paul and Dan are determined to help her reach her big dream. Will Kate make it to the Winter Games?

This empowering and delightful Olympic-themed tale will be enjoyed by children, parents, and grandparents alike. It will teach your little ones valuable life lessons about the importance of big dreams, perseverance, and hard work.

The Olympics is about competition but it is also a passionate celebration of humanity. It is a global stage where boys and girls can shine on an equal basis.

Snowman Paul and Kate’s Olympic Dream is the perfect way to introduce your kiddos to the fast-approaching Winter Games in China.

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