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It’s Giveaway time! Get a free bonus entry into our weekly raffle and check out The Night Sky: The Tungsten Chronicles Book One by C.A. Cordova

The Night Sky: The Tungsten Chronicles Book One

by C.A. Cordova
4.4 stars – 35 reviews
Supports Us with Commissions Earned
FREE with Kindle UnlimitedLearn More
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
It is said that killing a narwhal can provide you with unlimited power. That is why they need to be protected by incredible warriors like Nadia’s grandfather. Nadia plans to be just like him when she grows up – no matter what negative things her sister, Anya, comes up with. Of course, this time Anya may have a point: her grandfather is missing, a narwhal has been killed, and Nadia is wanted by The Protectorants. Maybe she should have just pledged allegiance to them like everyone else does… Now she must venture out into the cold to find her grandfather, but who can she trust and why does everyone keep saying that they have been waiting for her? Can the fate of society really rely on someone who doesn’t even wear matching boots?
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