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It’s perfectly normal to feel bad, sad or mad sometimes… Fabulous Freddy’s Very Bad Mood (Big Ideas For Little People) by Melissa Maxx

Fabulous Freddy’s Very Bad Mood (Big Ideas For Little People)

by Melissa Maxx
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Here’s the set-up:
This is the second in the “Big Ideas For Little People” series from Certified Mindfulness Coach Melissa Maxx.

Fabulous Freddy is in a very bad mood.

Freddy doesn’t like being in a bad mood.

He asks his Mom for advice.

She explains that it is perfectly normal to feel bad, sad or mad sometimes. The key is to let yourself feel your feelings and then let it go.

Freddy learns the importance of using mindfulness when dealing with emotions like sadness, anger or frustration.

Maxx’s first book, “Mindfulness For People Who Suck At Being Mindful” had big ideas for grownup people.

Her “Big Ideas For Little People” books for kids offer a way for children to start a mindfulness practice early on.

The younger we start talking about, and practicing emotional intelligence, the better!

Written in verse, with fun, colorful illustrations!

Kids can benefit from mindfulness too!

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