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Is this lady who she claims to be? There are clues throughout the book that she may not be. It is for the reader to decide. Shiko and the African Queen (Shiko, life and adventures of an African Child Book 1) by Rita Streatfield

Kids Book of The Day:

Shiko and the African Queen (Shiko, life and adventures of an African Child Book 1)

by Rita Streatfield
5.0 stars – 8 reviews
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Here’s the set-up:
Shiko finds a jewel buried in the dust. She keeps it a secret even from her cousin and best friend Kofi. Stories told by her grandfather and Great grandmother link the jewel in Shiko’s imagination to Ancient African kingdoms.
This inspires Shiko with Kofi to embark on an adventure, meeting a mysterious lady who claims to be descended from the Queen of Sheba. Trying to help this lady leads the children into some danger.
Is this lady who she claims to be? There are clues throughout the book that she may not be. It is for the reader to decide.

Today’s Book of The Day is sponsored by this week’s Kids’ eBook of The Week:

The Tale of Was and Das (2GETHER picture book collection 3)

by Marin Darmonkow
5.0 stars – 16 reviews
Supports Us with Commissions Earned
Here’s the set-up:

The Tale of Was and Das tells the hilariously funny story of two friends: an orphan gypsy boy, Was, and his German shepherd, Das. The boy and the dog live at the dumpster halfway between Fartsville and Burptown — an area where, ironically, the people come for fresh air. The dumpster provides the boy and the dog with shelter, toys, and books. The pair fell in love with children’s books, especially picture books about dinosaurs. They decide to use materials from the dumpster to build Thesaurus, the biggest dinosaur in the world. Thesaurus becomes a tourist attraction and brings Fartsvillians and Burptownians together. This children’s book is the only one of the 2GETHER picture book collection that is not illustrated by Marin; Peter Stan, a prolific European illustrator created the entertaining artwork for this title.

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