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In a land of mystery and enchantment, a young Pictish healer finds herself embroiled in an epic struggle between gods and men… Daughter of the Gods: A Novel of the Picts by Bryan Canter

Daughter of the Gods: A Novel of the Picts

by Bryan Canter
4.0 stars – 292 reviews
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Here’s the set-up:

Scottish Highlands, 367 A.D.

In a land of mystery and enchantment

In an age of Celtic godsHighland warlordsRoman legions, and powerful druids

A young Pictish healer finds herself embroiled in an epic struggle between gods and men.

The Celtic tribes of Scotland and Ireland conspire to assault Hadrian’s Wall and drive the Romans out of Britain forever. But in order for the warriors to achieve victory in the military campaign, the druids must first gain ascendancy over the new Roman god.

Amid clandestine preparations for war, Flora is yanked out of her peaceful, ordinary world and thrust into a spiritual battle of mythic proportions. In order to save her family, her clan, and her people, she is called upon to sacrifice not only her life, but her very identity.

Feeling trapped in a web of manipulation and deceit, Flora struggles to discover the true reality of who she is and who she will become.

Set in the Scottish Highlands, this story brings to life an age and a people that have remained veiled in the mists of time—the mysterious people knowns as the Picts—a collection of tribes so determined to retain their freedom, they dared to defy the mightiest army the ancient world had ever known.

Get your copy today and immerse yourself in the intrigue of a profoundly provocative saga that will cause you to think deeply about your individual role within the interpersonal, cultural, and spiritual realities of our world.

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