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Can a man born a slave change his destiny with one secret mission? Troy: A Crown of Stones Origin Story (The Crown of Stones) by C.L. Schneider

Troy: A Crown of Stones Origin Story (The Crown of Stones)

by C. L. Schneider
4.7 stars – 7 reviews
Everyday Price: $3.99
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Can a man born a slave change his destiny with one secret mission?

Born of the Shinree, an enslaved fallen race, Ian Troy is magically bound to protect the kingdom of Rella. Since childhood, he trained to be their champion in a seemingly never-ending war. Called to the battlefield a brash young man of seventeen, Troy is anxious to show off his prowess with both magic and blade. He believes his role is vital to the realms of Mirra’kelan finally knowing peace.

Only, war is nothing like he thought.

After a year of being mistrusted and shunned simply for the blood in his veins—his magic restrained by an authoritarian queen—Troy has grudgingly learned his place. He follows orders and suffers their abuse in silence because the cost of insolence is a chain around his neck.

When Queen Aylagar handpicks him for a mission deep inside enemy territory, he thinks his time has come. Fate willing, he will prove to them all: Ian Troy is more than the “witch” they believe.

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