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Sound Healing For Beginners: Sonic Medicine for the Body, Chakra Rituals and What They Didn’t Tell You About Vibrational Energy (Sound Healing and Somatic Mindfulness)

by Ascending Vibrations
4.7 stars – 282 reviews
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Always wanted to know how to help your body, mind, & spirit with sound, but it all sounded so complicated? Keep reading.

Are you often bombarded with feelings of guilt, stress, or anxiety & exposed to noisy, polluted environments?

These disharmonious frequencies pull our systems out of tune & we can start suffering from illness in mind & body.

Want to say goodbye to all of the overwhelming sound healing info out there & discover what works for you?

If so, you came to the right place.

You see, using sound healing to your benefit doesn’t have to be difficult, even if you feel like you’ve already tried everything.

In fact, it’s easier than you think.

Try to sing ‘uuh,’ ‘ooo,’ ‘aaa,’ ‘eye,’ ‘aye,’ and ‘eee’ in one breath, at a pitch that is comfortable for you, & listen to the harmonics already contained within your voice without you even really trying.

The World Health Organization (WHO) considers noise pollution the second most dangerous environmental threat to human health, behind air pollution.

The European Environment Agency (EEA) estimates that long-term exposure to high levels of environmental noise causes 12,000 premature deaths and 48,000 new cases of ischemic heart disease in Europe annually.

They also point the finger to noise for more than 72,000 hospitalizations for a variety of causes every year in Europe alone (EEA, n.d.).

If sound can have that much power, then think what it could do for you if you turned the tide & used it for a positive impact instead!

Here’s just a tiny fraction of what you’ll discover:

  • Humming secrets to home chakra supercharging
  • The overlooked pollution in your life that could be causing irreparable hearing damage
  • The ancient sound methods to power up or cleanse your crystals
  • The qigong/sound combo to promote rapid wellbeing
  • Vocal toning mastery & how to energize your chakras beyond belief
  • The powerful sound healing element everyone is missing
  • The sound healing magic lying within you & how to access it
  • The secret to making subliminal messages infinitely more beneficial
  • How to easily understand & help your bodies’ energy channels
  • How to bring yourself to emotional & physical balance with tuning forks
  • These healing secrets you didn’t know about singing bowls
  • How to shop for the right sound tools that fit your needs
  • A core understanding of harmonic healing history
  • How to easily take advantage of overtone singing at home
  • Gorgeous, done for you sound meditation scripts for maximized relaxation & trauma release
  • What no one is telling you about binaural beats
  • The scientific truths of ASMR
  • A treasure-trove of *bonuses*, including a companion video course with over 4.5 hours of empowering content, energy-tapping videos, powerful guided meditations, journals, & so much more.

& much, much more.

Take a second to imagine how you’ll feel once you’re able to easily use the magic of sound to help reach your full potential.

Imagine how your body, mind, & soul will feel once you dive into an ocean of heavenly healing frequencies.

So, if you have a burning desire to understand sound healing & use it to your benefit, then scroll up & click add to cart.

* * *

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Miz Scarlet and the Vanishing Visitor (A Scarlet Wilson Mystery Book 2)

by Sara Barton, Sara M. Barton
Miz Scarlet and the Vanishing Visitor (A Scarlet Wilson Mystery Book 2)
4.3 stars – 1552 reviews
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Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

The second book in the popular cozy mystery series laced with humor and romance…

“Purely addictive. I love these books. You just can’t help loving all of the characters. The stories are edge of the seat all the way to the end. Can’t wait to read book 3.”

A pleasant night in Bay Head, New Jersey turns dangerous as Scarlet Wilson heads for home after a delightful weekend at the beach with boyfriend Kenny “Captain Peacock” Tolliver. A terrified teenager, chased by a homicidal maniac, clings to her car. What do you do when a determined killer comes at the girl attached to your windshield, knife in hand? If you’re “Miz Scarlet”, you get creative and put the pedal to the metal, even as the cars pile up in your wake.

Jenny Mulroney, cancer orphan, has no one to turn to and nowhere to go, until Miz Scarlet takes her home to the Four Acorns Inn. While security expert Kenny delves into Jenny’s secret past, the teenager begins to find her way again. But Jenny’s been dishonest about the events that triggered the brutal attack by a crazed killer. When a King Charles Cavalier spaniel goes missing and uncut diamonds stolen in a heist turn up encased in lavender glycerin soap, everyone at the Four Acorns Inn is in peril. But have no fear — with the help of the elderly “Googins girls”, brother Bur, and Laurencia “Larry” Rivera, the foxy homicide investigator, the intrepid amateur sleuth and Kenny are hot on the trail.

* * *

Who Hates Marigold Flowers? (Cornwall & Company Mystery Book 1)

by Sara Barton
4.2 stars – 864 reviews
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Book #1 of the three-book saga of a woman on the run. (This ongoing story continues in In the Shadows of a Lie, Book #2, and concludes in Bury Me in Paradise, Book #3.)How does a wedding planner from Lake Placid, New York end up in the trunk of a Toyota Corolla submerged in a frozen lake near Windham, nearly two hundred miles away? It’s easy if you’ve got two contract killers after you! Marigold Flowers doesn’t understand why anyone would want to kill her. Her specialty is parties, not crime. But there’s no denying that someone with a lot of money and significant resources is out to silence her. What secrets does she hold about international money laundering and a criminal syndicate? How can she save herself when she’s accused of trying to murder the U. S. marshal in charge of her safety? Enter the Cornwall brothers. Jackson and Lincoln have some special investigative skills and a talented circle of friends and family that can help untangle Marigold’s complicated life. But the vicious villain of this convoluted scheme isn’t willing to let her go. They’re going to have to work fast to keep Marigold Flowers from being murdered in cold blood.
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