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Two free books for FREEbie Friday!

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Let it Show: A grumpy single dad forbidden romance rom-com (Juniper Ridge Romantic Comedies Book 2)

by Tawna Fenske
4.3 stars – 429 reviews
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Step one in starting my new life: Don’t fall for my shrink.
Scratch that. Step one is settling my daughter in our new small town life.
So what if it’s the set of a reality TV show?
I agreed to let cameras follow me around, but stay the hell away from my kid.
And screw the storyline about a grumpy single dad finding love.
I’m here for the fresh start.
It’s bad enough I’ve got these sessions with sexy psychologist Mari.
Mari and her foul-mouthed parrot and her love of quirky trivia.
Mari and our blazing hot kiss in a bizarre underground bunker.
I can’t fall for her.
See, I’m pretty sure the good doc’s hiding something huge.
And a woman with secrets is a recipe for heartache.
Take it from a guy who knows.
A romance like this is forbidden six ways to Sunday.
So why can’t we keep our hands off each other?
One-click this forbidden doctor/patient rom-com about a single dad trying to find a new life in a small town and the psychiatrist with a secret who could just be his new chance at love.

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And She Was Never the Same Again: A Multigenerational Memoir

by Natasha Pryde Trujillo PhD
4.9 stars – 17 reviews
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

And She Was Never the Same Again is about you. It is about your family and your friends, everyone you’ve ever met, and all the strangers you have yet to meet. It takes you on a journey of gains and losses that stretch generations, cultures, identities, and decades of time.

It awakens you to the inevitable and makes you look at things most people want to avoid seeing. It explores near-death experiences; medical, individual, and intergenerational trauma; the stigmatized death of a partner; perfectionism; athletics; first loves; and the gaping holes that become permanent fixtures within us when those we love the most die.

You will feel, you will learn, you will grown, and you will never be the same again.

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