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If the Earth isn’t flat yet, it’s about to be… Evolving Crane: Book Five | Flat_ Earth by Dave Welch

Evolving Crane: Book Five | Flat_ Earth

by Dave Welch
Everyday Price: $5.99
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

If the Earth isn’t flat yet, it’s about to be…

Prepare for a brutal invasion after a leaked video drowns the multiverse, leaving a path of destruction in every replay.

When the Nappassian Fort of Violence acquires the footage, a new threat emerges. And with General Kabree leading the onslaught, no one is safe.

While the recording circulates, a small group of mollusks are confronted by a treacherous Elitix. Just as the mollusk seek refuge on planet Zarion, an unexpected war pummels the Earth.

Meet the Modiaxs, a ruthless family that specializes in planetary coups. After the greedy clan unites with Kabree, a dark obsession takes the general by surprise.
Now, there’s no more waiting. You earthlings better run and hide. Because the general arrived for one reason, and it aint to sale car insurance.

Evolving Crane Book Five pushes the limit with gut wrenching thrill rides, unexpected twists, absurd language, humor, ravishment, adult content and horror. This read is not for the squeamish, but perfect for fans of S.A. Barns Dead Silence and C.J. Boyle The Adventures of Kirk Rogers: Inside the Moon.

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