Living in Awareness: Deepening Our Daily Lives Through Prayer, Ritual, and Meditation
In our world today, which relies too heavily on the intellect, Mellara presents a beautiful invitation to learn to live with a more open heart, full of love and grace. Living in Awareness teaches how to live a more embodied life, and how to learn to listen to the messages from the body, emotions, and heart, while also integrating the powers of the mind. This book is a practical guide for recognizing and connecting with the tools we all have within in order to live a deeply satisfying and peaceful life.
“A brilliant, wise, and compassionate guide for living in these deeply tumultuous times. This book left me refreshed, peaceful, and in awe. A must-read!” —Carson Beckemeyer
“A transformative read that left me feeling more whole in myself and at peace.” —Naomi Boshari