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An inspiring tale of one Irish woman’s brave quest to realize her dreams in a new country where she knows no one . . . . The Irish Flapper by Christine Stack

The Irish Flapper

by Catherine Stack
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Here’s the set-up:
The Irish Flapper is an inspiring tale of one Irish woman’s brave quest to realize her dreams in a new country where she knows no one. Once in America Annie Rush awakens to the disillusioning reality of an immigrant’s life and its daily struggles. Annie settles in Manhattan where she reunites with her flamboyant cousin Isabelle. Isabelle is a glamourous actress and girlfriend of a notorious gangster. She introduces Annie to the enticing yet deceptive world of fame and fortune. Annie falls deeply in love with Jack, a successful stockbroker haunted by the ghost of his past which threatens their future. It is her new friends, brazen cousin and her newfound love that make life in the big city an unforgettable adventure. As the Great Depression looms over the city, it is the knot that binds family and friends together that helps Annie survive adversity and devastating loss. Annie discovers so much more than what she came searching for, she finds her voice and inner strength.

How will Annie navigate her new life in a new country?

Will Annie find the life that is right for her?

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