Today’s Briefs:
- Have *You* Entered Week #5 of our Brand New KINDLE FIRE Giveaway Sweepstakes Yet? We’re on the way to another weekly record with over 1,000 entries in the first 24 hours — that new Kindle Fire may have your name on it, but you can’t win unless you enter. (And thanks to Michelle L. for making the very good point that you’ll have much more success entering if you try from your desktop or laptop computer rather than from a smartphone or other mobile device.)
- Today’s Kindle Daily Deal – Tuesday, Nov. 8 – Save 75% on John Perkins’ Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, plus … Meet Caden Butcher, a young whiz-kid exorcist to the stars, in Tawny Stokes’ DEMON WHISPERER (Today’s Sponsor)
- KND Kindle Free Book Alert for Tuesday, November 8: Kindle Nation Faves Victorine Lieske, Melissa Foster, Eileen Cruz Coleman, David McAfee, S.J. Wright, Marsha Canham, Ben Dobson, Amber Sistla and Rudy Kerkhoven top TWENTY-TWO (22) BRAND NEW FREEBIES in the last 24 hours added to Our 1,100+ FREE TITLES Sorted by Category, Date Added, Bestselling or Review Rating! plus … Geltab’s The Dwarven Kingdom of Thazdulrene: Stories I-V (Today’s Sponsor – $1.99)
- Kindle Nation Bargain Book Alert: 11 Straight Rave Reviews for ARCHANGELS FURY by Scott Moerland. Just $2.99 on Kindle!
- Kindle Nation Reader Alert: The Hero, the Harlot, and the Fish (The Hero Series) by Michael J. McGrath, 5 Stars, $3.99 on Kindle