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From the Kindle Nation Mailbag: A Nice Thank You to All of You, from Bestselling Author Audrey Braun

It’s always a sweet thing to open my mailbox and find a great message like this one from recent Free Kindle Nation Shorts featured author Audrey Braun:

A huge thank you to all the readers who read the Free Kindle Nation Shorts excerpt and decided to purchase A Small Fortune on kindle. Because of you the novel shot to the kindle bestseller list (mystery and literary) within hours and remains in the top 50 in literary fiction a whole week later. 

You have brought enormous attention to the book that has rippled well beyond the amazon and kindle community. And you have taken the time to add more 5 star reviews as well! I am filled with the warmest wave of gratitude for your interest and generosity. Thank you all so very much.

Audrey Braun

On behalf of all of us, you’re welcome, Audrey! I noticed that at one point the novel had climbed to #53 in the Kindle Store bestsellers list, and it has continued to get 5-start reviews from longtime Kindle Nation citizens.

If you haven’t checked it out yet, here’s a link to the 12,000-word FKNS excerpt, and here’s a link to the full novel which is still just $2.99 in the Kindle Store.

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