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This novel navigates the trauma of estrangement across generations, the secrets we bury, and the things we try to escape at any cost. Final Belongings by Sarah Beauchemin

Final Belongings

by Sarah Beauchemin
4.4 stars – 264 reviews
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Here’s the set-up:
Juliet Barton is reeling from a devastating divorce and her career in shambles. Then she’s rocked by her mother’s sudden death. Buried in grief as she sorts her late mother’s effects, Juliet stumbles upon the final belongings of her uncle Henry, who died tragically in Italy in 1971.

Hidden among Henry’s effects is an old Polaroid of a mausoleum with a mysterious note scrawled on the back. As Juliet unearths more and more details that reveal her and Henry’s uncanny similarities, she finds herself compelled to go to Italy to locate the crypt in the photo, convinced it contains something Henry wanted to be found.

But as she tracks down clues to her twenty-something uncle’s cutting-edge filmmaking in Hollywood, renowned coverage of The Vietnam War, and link to a 1960s rock icon, Juliet uncovers a haunting truth that pushes her into the line of danger.

Will unraveling Henry’s hidden past put Juliet’s own future at risk?

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