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It’s Giveaway time! Get a free bonus entry into our weekly raffle and check out Dog’s Twilight by Roger Teichmann

Dog’s Twilight

by Roger Teichmann
4.0 stars – 14 reviews
Everyday Price: $0.99
Supports Us with Commissions Earned
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

In Oxford, a bestselling author revisits an old secret . . .

Why is bestselling author Tessa Wainwright visiting Oxford again after so many years abroad? Even Vince, her agent and factotum, is in the dark but Conrad Merrivale, a student doing vacation work at the hotel she’s staying at, unearths the reason.

Conrad, with his taste for hard drugs and Richard Wagner, decides to blackmail Tessa, setting in train a cat and mouse between him and Vince which eventually spirals into violence and death.

“An evocative descent into a world of blackmail, betrayal and murder.” -Guy Burt, author of After the Hole

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