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You won’t be able to put this one down: A harrowing, detailed account of overcoming family abuse, disordered eating, therapy and recovery…. Fullness: A Memoir by Azure Moyna

Kindle Nation Daily eBook of The Day

Fullness: A Memoir

by Azure Moyna
5.0 stars – 2 reviews
FREE with Kindle UnlimitedLearn More
Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Having recently gotten married, landed her first corporate management job and purchased her first home, 28 year old Azure thought she had finally overcome her past. But nearly choking to death on her own vomit after yet another secretive binge forced her to seek professional help and confront the origins of her consuming and shame filled behavior of compulsive eating and extreme dieting. This raw, illuminating and tragically comic book is the story of child Azure struggling to survive her upbringing by a brilliant, sociopathic father who starved and belittled her as well as adult Azure attempting to save her marriage and her psyche while contending with her preoccupation with food, her body, a fat-phobic society, and her insatiable hunger for love and acceptance.

“Azure Moyna’s Fullness is a gripping, intelligent and important look at a common, stigmatized and misunderstood health condition. Azure shares the important role food, and eventually compulsive eating, played in coping with things no child should ever cope with and how society’s prejudice against fat people further isolated and traumatized her. While it is a harrowing read, it is also insightful, timely and triumphant.” – Melanie Blow, COO, Stop Abuse Campaign

“Healing and growth cannot be done in a vacuum. We need to share our stories and connect with others in order to change not only our lives, but social norms as well. Azure has a relatable and powerful story, and her courage in sharing it will leave a legacy of hope and healing.” – Mandy Sciacchitano, Life Coach and Speaker

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