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Meet CIA black ops agent Rick Fontaine, in a fast-moving, what-if, Cold War thriller…. Medellin Acapulco Cold by Bill Fortin

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Medellin Acapulco Cold: Cold War Series

by Bill Fortin
4.5 stars – 44 reviews
Everyday Price: $2.99
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Pablo Escobar has a nuclear weapon, the CIA has to get it back!In March 1987, the CIA’s Operation Acapulco Cold took on the Medellín cartel. The journey would be dangerous. The alternative for not recovering the nuke would be too horrible to imagine.

A theft occurs in direct response to President Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev’s treaty agreement (START II). Russian SS-20 medium-range missiles are removed from Eastern Europe and their nuclear MIRV packages disassembled.

A KGB shadow group inside the failing Russian government steals three of the nose-cone assemblies. Geonov, a Russian operative is charged with selling one of these devices to the Medellín cartel. The asking price is $40 million dollars in cash. Pablo Escobar does not even blink when he is offered one. Operation Acapulco Cold is the detailed action taken by the CIA to address this life-altering world situation.

If you like fast-paced military espionage thrillers packed with suspense and action, you’ll love Medellín Acapulco Cold. Scroll up to start reading using Amazon’s ‘Look Inside’ or order your Kindle or paperback today.

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