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When secrets surface from his past, Kayli and Skye are soon on the run from more than just alligators… Ambush In The Everglades by Petie McCarty

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Ambush in the Everglades

by Petie McCarty
4.3 stars – 72 reviews
Everyday Price: $1.99
FREE with Kindle UnlimitedLearn More
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Stranded in the Everglades?
With only her unpredictable guide for protection?
Kayli Heddon tumbles into those dire straits when the governor sends her to the Everglades on a secret assignment. Trapped with nightfall approaching and no way back, Kayli learns some tough lessons from her sexy but volatile airboat guide: Trust means everything in the dangerous River of Grass, and a skilled partner makes all the difference in your survival.Skye Landers takes the airboat safari gig as a favor to his cousin who is called out of town. Skye doesn’t expect the governor’s photographer to catch his eye, but Kayli Heddon is unlike any woman he has ever met. He knows he should keep his distance, but common sense flies out the window whenever she gets near.

Unfortunately, Kayli thinks honesty is the most important thing in a relationship–any relationship–and Skye Landers is a fraud. When secrets surface from his past, Kayli and Skye are soon on the run from more than just alligators.

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