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A train attendant yearns for love, a persecuted Jewish couple runs to a new home, and a passionate romance transcending political barriers unfolds under KGB surveillance… Trans-Siberian Express: A Cold War Thriller by Warren Adler

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Trans-Siberian Express: A Cold War Thriller

by Warren Adler
4.1 stars – 102 reviews
Everyday Price: $5.99
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Here’s the set-up:

American cancer specialist Dr. Alex Cousins is on a covert mission to the USSR. His task: to save the life of Soviet Politburo Chief Viktor Moiseyevich Dimitrov.

But the tenuous alliance between the two crumbles one night. Alex stumbles upon Dimitrov’s sinister plans for a nuclear strike on China. The Russians dispatch Alex on a six-thousand-mile journey aboard the infamous Trans-Siberian Express – thus ensuring he won’t get home in time to warn the US of the imminent attack.

As the train lumbers east across snow-cloaked mountains, watchful eyes rest on the American doctor. Surrounding him are people beaten and broken by life, each drawn to this emperor of trains in search of a brighter future. But most curious is Anna Petrovna Valentinova, the hauntingly beautiful history professor.

The Trans-Siberian Express roars onward through a cavern of hopes and memories.

A train attendant yearns for love, a persecuted Jewish couple runs to a new home, and a passionate romance transcending political barriers unfolds under KGB surveillance.

If you like action-packed adventure, international mystery, and hauntingly beautiful landscapes, you will love this Cold War thriller by the great Warren Adler!

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