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Her world is forever changed by a single bite… Of The Blood (Heir of Blood and Fire Book 1) by Cameo Renae

Kindle Nation Daily eBook of The Day

Of the Blood (Heir of Blood and Fire Book 1)

by Cameo Renae
4.5 stars – 225 reviews
Everyday Price: $3.99
Supports Us with Commissions Earned
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
**Shortlisted for the 2020 Kindle Storyteller Award**

Raised in a war-ravaged continent, temptation comes to Calla Caldwell in the form of a charming and mysterious stranger. Giving in to his intimate seduction, her world is forever changed by a single bite.

Calla quickly learns the handsome stranger is vampire prince, Trystan Vladu. His bite was an attempt to claim and save her from a plot of vengeance generations in the making. However, the claws of that ancient vendetta are scraping ever closer.

Thrust into a new nightmare by the Prince of the corrupt kingdom of Morbeth, Calla is captured, tortured, and starved in the dank confines of his dungeon. While in captivity, she takes part in a séance with a witch of light where she contacts a departed relative—a Princess of Incendia—who bequeaths a gift to Calla that will tip the scales of good and evil . . . if she can learn to harness it.

With a dark tapestry of secrets, lies, and murder unraveling around her, Calla must learn to embrace the power roiling through her veins, or be snuffed out by the strangling fist of a malevolent darkness.

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