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Is love stronger than the mistakes they’ve made? Or are they doomed before they find forever? Cowboy Creed (Cooper’s Hawke Landing Book 1) by Rhonda Lee Carver

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Cowboy Creed (Cooper’s Hawke Landing Book 1)

by Rhonda Lee Carver
4.5 stars – 1,261 reviews
Everyday Price: $2.99
Supports Us with Commissions Earned
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Seconds chances come in their own time for a cowboy. For Mindy and Creed the flame remains.

Newly divorced and empty nester, Mindy Sage, decided that her hometown might be the perfect place to reinvent herself, or at least find the wild and carefree girl she used to be before she moved away. She’s craving small town comfort, but the problem is, in Cooper’s Hawk, everyone knows everyone. Secrets can feel as tall and wide as the Montana mountains that backdrop the friendly, picturesque town where she’d left her heart in the hands of a handsome cowboy nineteen years ago.

Search and Rescue team member, Creed Hawke, understood more than anyone what saving a life meant, but who would save him from the one woman he’d never gotten over? He’d moved on—or at least he thought he had until those old emotions come tumbling back with the vengeance of a forest fire. He’s reminded of how much he’d loved Mindy, wanted her, swore to marry her. Why couldn’t he forget her? Resist her? Deny her his heart? Because he’d fallen for her at ten and never came back up for air.

How can he forgive her for stealing his daughter from him?

Is love stronger than the mistakes they’ve made? Or are they doomed before they find forever?

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