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Three surviving sixteenth-century journals detail the lives of 350 conquistadors led by Hernando De Soto as they conquered the nations in eastern Arkansas . . . Storykeeper (Nine-Rivers Valley Book 1) by Daniel A. Smith

Storykeeper (Nine-Rivers Valley Book 1)

by Daniel A. Smith
4.1 stars – 309 reviews
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Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
The first recorded Europeans to cross the Mississippi River reached the western shore on June 18, 1541. Hernando De Soto and his army of three hundred and fifty conquistadors spent the next year and a half conquering the nations in the fertile flood plains of eastern Arkansas.

Three surviving sixteenth-century journals written during the expedition detailed a complex array of twelve different nations. Each had separate beliefs, languages, and interconnected villages with capital towns comparable in size to European cities of the time. Through these densely populated sites, the Spanish carried a host of deadly old-world diseases, a powerful new religion, and war.

No other Europeans ventured into this land until French explorers arrived one hundred and thirty years later. They found nothing of the people or the towns that the Spanish had so vividly described. For those lost nations, the only hope that their stories, their last remaining essence will ever be heard again lies with one unlikely Storykeeper.

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