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“Thriller fans with a taste for politics will devour this exciting investigation into dangerous government overreach and the mangling of civil liberties in a time of crisis”… Root and Branch by Preston Fleming

Thriller of The Day

Root and Branch

by Preston Fleming
4.4 stars – 227 reviews
Everyday Price: $4.99
Supports Us with Commissions Earned
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Roger Zorn, owner of a French private security company, is delighted at having won a lucrative contract with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as part of the government’s new program of emergency security measures. The measures are launched when the U.S. military response to sneak attacks by Iran and Pakistan on America’s electrical grid provokes a wave of Jihadist-inspired violence across the U.S.A.

Zorn’s work for DHS requires him to apply his company’s Triage risk assessment technology to evaluate terrorist suspects captured in the U.S. and sort out the jihadists from nonviolent Muslim residents. But when Zorn’s inquiries lead him to discover that DHS and its lead contractor have been manipulating Triage scores to deport massive numbers of Muslims and is ‘disappearing’ the most violent ones, Zorn faces a choice.

Will he say nothing and sell his company to DHS’s prime contractor before scandal breaks, or will Zorn step up to expose the abuses and risk bringing the full wrath of America’s national security establishment down on his head?

“Intelligent and indelible. A shrewdly written tale with a robust cast of characters and a frightening intifada in the U.S.” KIRKUS REVIEWS (Starred Review)

“Thriller fans with a taste for politics will devour this exciting investigation into dangerous government overreach and the mangling of civil liberties in a time of crisis.” BOOKLIFE by PUBLISHERS WEEKLY (Editor’s Pick)

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