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With no options and no leads, Max sets out to find the kidnappers and to rescue Macy… Four Cold Months: A Detective Max Grady Thriller by KJ Kalis

Thriller of The Day

Four Cold Months: A Detective Max Grady Thriller (Detective Max Grady Thrillers Book 1)

by KJ Kalis
4.3 stars – 104 reviews
Everyday Price: $3.99
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Here’s the set-up:

Detective Max Grady’s past haunts him every single day.

The day he finds out Macy Chandler has been missing for four months is no exception.

Now, a ransom demand has come in, one that her family doesn’t understand and can’t fulfill.

With no options and no leads, Max sets out to find the kidnappers and to rescue Macy… while she still has time.

If you like books by L.T. Ryan, Adam Nicholls, and James Patterson, you are going to love Four Cold Months. Get it now!

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