Today’s Kindle Daily Deals!
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Beyond the Fading Memories: Guiding words for Dementia caregivers
by John T Campbell
4.8 stars – 29 reviews
Everyday Price: $3.99
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Here’s the set-up:
Do you have loved one that struggles with Dementia? Learn how to cope and what you can do to help.
In Beyond the Fading Memories author John T Campbell shares his experiences thoughts, and tips. He lived
with his mom for years while she went through different stages of and had to deal with various symptoms. He shows you what he learned and how music can help.-Inside you’ll discover-Dementia doesn’t take away their emotions or who they are as a person-It’s mostly trial and error-You can get through it with the power of love and music-People with Dementia deserve care and should not be forgotten-It is the Dementia not them causing the behavior.
This memoir will help everyone who is dealing with parents or family members with Dementia..
In Beyond the Fading Memories author John T Campbell shares his experiences thoughts, and tips. He lived
with his mom for years while she went through different stages of and had to deal with various symptoms. He shows you what he learned and how music can help.-Inside you’ll discover-Dementia doesn’t take away their emotions or who they are as a person-It’s mostly trial and error-You can get through it with the power of love and music-People with Dementia deserve care and should not be forgotten-It is the Dementia not them causing the behavior.
This memoir will help everyone who is dealing with parents or family members with Dementia..