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Jerusalem, 76 B.C. For the first time in history, a woman rightfully reigns over Israel…. In The Shadow of The Queen by Kim Stokely

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In the Shadow of the Queen

by Kim Stokely
4.6 stars – 550 reviews
Everyday Price: $4.99
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Jerusalem, 76 B.C. For the first time in history, a woman rightfully reigns over Israel. The queen’s rule gives Anna, a gifted young seamstress, opportunities for work and education she never thought possible. But to achieve her dreams, Anna must enter a world festering with intrigue and deceit. Those living within the queen’s shadow already plot to seize the throne when she is dead. Even Lev, Anna’s first love, is drawn into this underlying world of power, pleasure and political maneuvering. Torn between her own desires and the traditions of her people, Anna’s story is one of enduring courage and her inspired belief in God’s love and faithfulness in all circumstances.
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