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A courtroom battle that will ultimately resolve one woman’s past and one woman’s future… An Invincible Summer by Betta Ferrendelli

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An Invincible Summer

by Betta Ferrendelli
4.3 stars – 392 reviews
Everyday Price: $2.99
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Jaime Monroe is a young prosecutor who has a bright future with the Denver District Attorney’s office. Jaime, however, is tormented by demons from her past.
But when she learns that Leigh Roberts, a local reporter for a Denver daily newspaper, intends to have her mentally challenged daughter, Ashleigh, forcibly sterilized, something within Jaime stirs.
Whether it is anger, pity, or simply the need to do what’s right, Jaime decides to turn her back on her promising career with the DA’s office to represent Ashleigh Roberts.
With the odds stacked against them, Jaime and Ashleigh take their case to the courts in a battle that will ultimately resolve one woman’s past and one woman’s future.
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