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Inspired by actual crimes, 13:24 by M Hickmon will haunt you for days.

Thriller of The Day

1324: A Dark Thriller

by M Hickmon
1324: A Dark Thriller
4.3 stars – 127 reviews
Everyday Price: $6.99
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Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Detective William Hursel has worked countless murder cases, staring down the cruelest deeds humanity has to offer. But nothing prepares him for what he’ll uncover while pursuing 14-year-old Christopher Pesner, a suspect in the brutal rage-killing of his own mother. While news reports focus on Chris’s odd obsession with the violent, blasphemous heavy metal band, Rehoboam, Hursel suspects a deeper motive — a hunch that is confirmed when Chris’s second victim is discovered. Racing to piece together the identity of Chris’s next target, Hursel unearths a shocking link between an embattled politician, a controversial celebrity and a shadowy underworld where human traffickers ply the wealthy with unseemly indulgences.
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