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Join Kevin Hart as he identifies and battles one of the biggest obstacles to happiness It Will All Work Out: The Freedom of Letting Go by Kevin Hart

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It Will All Work Out: The Freedom of Letting Go

by Kevin Hart
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From beloved comedian and #1 New York Times bestselling author Kevin Hart comes an irreverent but inspirational take on what happens when you’re gripping the steering wheel of your life so tight that you’re about to run the whole thing off the road—and how to change into a happier gear.

Join Kevin Hart as he identifies and battles one of the biggest obstacles to happiness—what he calls the Control Monster. This fearsome beast loves telling others what to do so that you feel safe and they feel miserable. Other times, the need to stay in control means hiding, avoiding everyone and everything that makes you uncomfortable. This means avoiding love and success too.

Kevin looks at how control issues have shown up in his own life and how they might show up in yours. This masterclass homes in on why micromanaging your life and other people can lead to toxic relationships, stress, failure, and just generally being annoying to be around. He shares the secrets to getting your Control Monster under control and learning the life-saving power of trust.

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