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Win a tournament, find a wealthy patron, and be set for life—how hard can it be? Warrior Knight: An Epic Military Fantasy Novel by Paul J Bennett

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Warrior Knight: An Epic Military Fantasy Novel (Power Ascending Book 2)

by Paul J Bennett
4.6 stars – 144 reviews
Everyday Price: $5.99
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Win a tournament, find a wealthy patron, and be set for life—how hard can it be?

Desperate to escape the unending duty and responsibility of being a baron’s son, Ludwig Altenburg seeks glory on the field of honour. He soon learns there’s more to fighting than simple swordplay.

When mere bravado is not enough, the only option left to him is to join a mercenary group, sharpening his skills through death and destruction. But with enemies lurking amongst friends, forging a new identity as a warrior is fraught with danger.

As armies gather, the looming threat of conflict forces him to take up the mantle of leadership. Only then does he begin to understand the true cost of war.

Will his willingness to sacrifice everything to save others be his downfall or his saving grace?

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