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A terrifying memory is locked deep inside her. A killer wants to keep it that way. Deadly Recall by Donnell Ann Bell

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Deadly Recall

by Donnell Ann Bell
4.3 stars – 725 reviews
Everyday Price: $5.99
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

A terrifying memory is locked deep inside her. A killer wants to keep it that way.

As a nine-year-old child, Eden Moran witnessed the murder of her beloved teacher, Sister Beatrice. Her mind blocked the horrifying memory, and now, seventeen years later, Eden still can’t recall what she saw that fateful day at Albuquerque’s St. Patrick’s Church. The nun’s remains have been unearthed at a local construction site, and Albuquerque police detective, Kevin Dancer, starts pressuring Eden to search the shadows of her terror for clues.

Eden insists she didn’t see the killer that day. She can’t even remember knowing Sister Beatrice. Regardless, Detective Dancer refuses to give up on her. He’s not only hell-bent on solving the crime, he’s falling in love with her. If her memories resurface, she’ll be in danger, and he wants to protect her. The killer seems determined that she’ll take the memory to an early grave.

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