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Kimani becomes the biggest mistake he’s ever made…. Bought (His For A Week Book 1) by Em Brown

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Bought (A New Adult Billionaire Romance) (His For A Week Book 1)

by Em Brown
3.9 stars – 3,380 reviews
Everyday Price: $2.99
Supports Us with Commissions Earned
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

She messed with the wrong billionaire. One who always gets what he wants. And what he wants is to devastate her…

Determined to expose the shady billionaires who “buy” women for a week, undercover journalist Kimani Taylor puts herself up for sale at the secretive Scarlet Auction and checks the box that says she’s up for anything—no matter how dirty and wild. When she’s purchased by a wealthy, abusive jerk, she ends up stuck in a remote cabin and in physical danger.

Hunky international billionaire Benjamin Lee happens to come to her rescue, but he’s no knight in shining armor. From the moment he set eyes on Kimani, even though her defiant gaze told him to “eff” off, he’s determined to have her for himself. An experienced Dominant, he intends to ravage her with his sinful repertoire.

However, Kimani isn’t the docile pet he expected from reading her Scarlet Auction description. Not only is she not simpering at his feet like most women he’s come across, she seems hellbent on keeping him at arm’s length. But Benjamin Lee is used to getting his way, and he fully expects to have her gasping and writhing beneath him—and begging for more.

If Kimani submits to Benjamin’s scorching touch, she risks losing her scoop and the chance to uncover the Scarlet Auction’s criminal activities. If Benjamin gets his way with her, she’ll become the biggest mistake he’s ever made

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