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Marcie Clifton has an ex-husband who won’t go away; he thinks the “ex” stands for kisses… Candles Over the Septic Tank: A Miner’s Ridge Mystery by Chris Phipps

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Candles Over the Septic Tank: A Miner’s Ridge Mystery

by Chris Phipps
4.4 stars – 41 reviews
Everyday Price: $3.00
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Here’s the set-up:

If you’re a fan of Janet Evanovich or Carl Hiassen, you’re going to laugh out loud at this book and its witty, quirky characters.

Marcie Clifton has an ex-husband who won’t go away; he thinks the “ex” stands for kisses.

Randy’s not a bad guy. Just unreliable. His lackadaisical approach to finances has left Marcie with a choice between making the mortgage or car payment this month.

Now Randy is trying to get his act together. He’s found a great new job. He just needs a place to stay until he gets a few paychecks. Marcie suspects he’s just trying to move back in and get close to her again; she’s not buying it.

But Randy has a proposal for her. His grandfather has been killed by a hit-and-run driver. Randy wants Marcie to go to the little town of Miner’s Ridge to support his grandmother. He points out that Marcie not only wouldn’t be in the house with him, she’d get her car out of town, possibly keeping it from being repossessed. Meantime, he can make the house payment.

Marcie likes his grandmother so she agrees and heads for Miner’s Ridge and Randy’s Grandma Edith, whose hobbies are gardening, playing poker, eight-ball pool, and driving telephone scammers to hang up on her.

When Marcie and Grandma Edith discover that the hit-and-run is only the beginning of the problems besetting Grandma Edith, they set out to solve the mystery. Their unorthodox methods often produce unexpected results.

Grandma Edith is a character you will never forget. If you like books that make you laugh out loud, you need to buy this book.

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