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Are you ready for the end of the world? He is… XZARDAK: When The World Ends by Scott Cato

Kindle Nation Daily eBook of The Day

XZARDAK: When The World Ends

by Scott Cato
4.3 stars – 88 reviews
Everyday Price: $0.99
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

In the final hours of the dying Earth planet, a convoy of Alien cruisers is dispatched to the doomed world to be set down amid the chaos and burning wreckage. Their mission: to collect and preserve the last remaining members of the human race. On the verge of extinction, they are loaded onto cargo ships and transported to a brand new planet referred to as ‘Earth 2’. There, they will live out their remaining days in peace and harmony.

Disoriented and confused, the Earthlings wake up in a bad mood. Their gullible Alien guardian discovers just how troublesome and ungrateful these underdeveloped lifeforms really are.

Hauled up in front of the greatest thinkers in the universe, they are forced to explain the actions which have brought about the end of their world. Meanwhile, a shadowy entity hatches a plot to jeopardise their future existence and wreak havoc across the cosmos.

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